The 圣何塞商会 auto renewal is for annual membership dues. A member that opted into auto renewal will receive notification via email at least 30 days in advance of membership expiration that their membership is scheduled for auto-renewal. On the annual renewal date, the San Jose Chamber will charge the membership renewal fee at the current membership level to the credit card provided. 成员 will receive an email receipt confirming payment. By opting in for automatic renewal, member hereby authorizes the 圣何塞商会 on an automatic basis to annually renew the 圣何塞商会 membership that member has selected and charge the applicable membership fee to the credit card placed on file.

Should a credit card be declined, the member will be notified by email or phone by a 圣何塞商会 representative. In the event of a declined card, auto renewal will be deactivated and the member will need to renew online or by phone, at which time they may choose to re-enroll in auto pay.

The 圣何塞商会 reserves the right to change annual membership dues. 成员 will receive notification of changes though the 圣何塞商会 website and in the annual email notification.

成员 can log in to their member profile here to review enrollment status and to make any changes to their membership profile.

成员 can cancel auto-renewal at any time within 30 days of the member’s renewal date by contacting the 圣何塞商会 at 408-291-5260, via the contact form in the member profile, or by email at Following cancelation, members will have access to the 圣何塞商会 benefits through the end of the current membership year if that year has been paid in full. No refunds will be given if a member fails to cancel their membership before the renewal date.

"}]; $(window).load(function () { if (window.contactData) MMP.Plugins.ContactData.Init(contactData); $('form input[type=radio][name=MembershipTypeId]:checked').trigger('change'); $("#termsDlg").dialog({ //create dialog, but keep it closed appendTo: $('#gzns-modal-host')[0], autoOpen: false, modal: true, width: $(document).width() * 0.6, height: $(document).height() * 0.3, buttons: { Ok: function () { $(this).dialog("close"); $("#termsDlg").dialog("option", "title", ""); $("#termsContent").html(""); } }, open: function () { var termsId = $('a#terms').attr('data-termsofuseid'); if (termsId) { var term = $(membershipsTerms) .map(function (i, item) { if (item.TermsOfUseId == termsId) return item; })[0]; if (term) { $("#termsDlg").dialog("option", "title", term.Name); $("#termsContent").html(term.Description); } } } }); }); $(document).ready(function() { $('form [name=成员hipLevelId]').select2( { placeholder: "Please make a selection", width: "100%", templateResult: formatDropListOptions }).on('change', function () { recalculateTotalPrice(); }).maximizeSelect2Height(); $('select[class^=chapterSelections]').select2( { placeholder: "Please make a selection", width: "100%", templateResult: formatDropListOptions }).on('change', function () { recalculateTotalPrice(); }).maximizeSelect2Height(); membershipTypeOnchange(); $('.designations-list').select2({ placeholder: "Please make a selection", width: "100%" }); $('.select2-search__field').each(function () { var search_name = $(this).parents('.select2-container').prev().attr('data-name') $(this).attr('aria-label', 'Select ' + search_name); }) }); function formatDropListOptions(optionElement, container) { if (optionElement.element) { $(container).addClass($(optionElement.element).attr("class")); } if (! { return optionElement.text; } var optionText = optionElement.text.split(':'); if (optionText.length < 2) return optionElement.text; // return in this format BOLD NAME: non-bold Price return $('' + optionText[0] + ': ' + optionText[1] + ''); } function addChaptersFeesTo成员hipTotal(chaptersList) { var chaptersValues = chaptersList.val() || []; var selectedOptionalChapters = ($.isArray(chaptersValues) ? chaptersValues : [chaptersValues]) .map(function (optionValue) { return chaptersList.find('option[value=' + optionValue + ']'); }); // Include mandatory chapters selected var mandatoryChapters = chaptersList .parents('.chapters-options:first') .find(':checkbox:checked') .map(function (i, $option) { return $($option); }) .get(); // Update displayed price (membership level price + selected chapters price) $(selectedOptionalChapters.concat(mandatoryChapters)) .each(function (i, option) { addOptionFeesToTotalPrice(option); }); } function chaptersOnChange($elem) { var elem = $($elem); addChaptersFeesTo成员hipTotal(elem); } $('form').on('keyup', '#UserSignUp_Email', onkeyup_updateUsername); $('form').on('blur', '#UserSignUp_Username, #UserSignUp_Email', onblur_validateUsername); $('form input[type=radio][name=MembershipTypeId]').change(membershipTypeOnchange); $("form").submit(function (event) { if (!areControlsValid()) { //alert("请选择有效的会员选项及收费项目(如有)"); $('.recurring-fees-validation').removeClass('no-display'); event.preventDefault(); } else { $('.recurring-fees-validation').addClass('no-display'); } }); function areControlsValid() { var membershipOption = $('form input[type=radio][name=MembershipTypeId]:checked'); if (!membershipOption.length) return false; if (!addChapterSelectionFormEntries()) return false; return true; } function onblur_validateUsername(e) { var performRequest = ($username.val() == $email.val()) || $(this).is('#UserSignUp_Username'); if (performRequest) { $.get('' + $username.val()).then( function (result) { $usernameError.toggle(!result.Valid); } ); } } function onkeyup_updateUsername(e) { if (!$username.val() || $email.val().startsWith($username.val())) { $username.val($email.val()); } } function membershipTypeOnchange() { var elem = $(this); var isOrg ='requiresorganization') == "True", isFamily ='requiresfamily') == "True", showBusinessName ='showbusinessname') == "True", requireBusinessName ='requirebusinessname') == "True", showPrefix ='showprefix') == "True", requirePrefix ='prefixrequired') == "True", showSuffix ='showsuffix') == "True", requireSuffix ='suffixrequired') == "True", membershipTypeId ='memtypeid'), contactInfo = $('.input-contact-info'), terms = $('#terms'), show名称 ='showdesignations') == "True", require名称 ='designationsrequired') == "True"; // hide all levels droplist and Show current type -> level droplist show成员hipLevelsIfExist(elem); recalculateTotalPrice(); contactInfo[(isFamily && !isOrg ? "add" : "remove") + "Class"]('family-show'); contactInfo[(isOrg || showBusinessName ? "add" : "remove") + "Class"]('org-show'); contactInfo[(showPrefix ? "add" : "remove") + "Class"]('show-prefix'); contactInfo[(showSuffix ? "add" : "remove") + "Class"]('show-suffix'); contactInfo[(show名称 ? "add" : "remove") + "Class"]('show-designations'); if (isOrg || isFamily || requireBusinessName) { $('#organization-text-box .mn-field-name').addClass('mn-required'); $('#organization-text-box :input').attr('required', 'required'); } else { $('#organization-text-box :input').removeAttr('required'); $('#organization-text-box .mn-field-name').removeClass('mn-required'); } if (requirePrefix) { $('#prefix-text-box .mn-field-name').addClass('mn-required'); $('#prefix-text-box :input').attr('required', 'required'); } if (requireSuffix) { $('#suffix-text-box .mn-field-name').addClass('mn-required'); $('#suffix-text-box :input').attr('required', 'required'); } if (require名称) { $('#designations-select .mn-field-name').addClass('mn-required'); $('#designations-select .designations-list').attr('required', 'required'); } else { $('#designations-select .mn-field-name').removeClass('mn-required'); $('#designations-select .designations-list').removeAttr('required'); } var termsId = $(this).data('termsofuseid'); if (termsId) { terms.attr('data-termsofuseid', termsId); terms.parent().show(); } else { terms.parent().hide(); } var recurringTable = $('table[data-parentmemtypeid=' + membershipTypeId + ']'); // if chapter selections are available enable the non-required chapter selections $('input[id^="chapSel"]').each(function (index) { var chapChk = $(this); if ('mtid') == membershipTypeId) { if (!chapChk.prop('required')) { chapChk.removeAttr('disabled'); } } else { chapChk.attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } }); } function addChapterSelectionFormEntries() { var $mto = $('form input[type=radio][name=MembershipTypeId]:checked'); var $mform = $('#mainForm'); var memTypeId = $mto.val(); var valid = false; // remove Chapter成员hipTypeOptions values since we will loop through adding them to the form again if needed $mform.find('input[name^="Chapter成员hipTypeOptions"]').remove(); if ($'ischapterselectionenabled') == 'True') { var idx = 0; $('input[id^="chapSel"]').each(function(index) { var chapChk = $(this); if (':checked') &&'mtid') == memTypeId) { valid = true; $('').attr({ type: 'hidden', name: 'Chapter成员hipTypeOptions[' + idx + '].ChapterId', value:'id') }).appendTo('form'); $('').attr({ type: 'hidden', name: 'Chapter成员hipTypeOptions[' + idx + '].IsSelected', value: true }).appendTo('form'); idx++; } }); var membershipOptionSelect2 = $('.chapterSelections' + memTypeId).select2('data'); if (membershipOptionSelect2 !== undefined && membershipOptionSelect2.length > 0) { valid = true; $.each(membershipOptionSelect2,function (index) { var chapChk = $(this); $('').attr({ type: 'hidden', name: 'Chapter成员hipTypeOptions[' + idx + '].ChapterId', value: $(chapChk[0].element).data('id') }).appendTo('form'); $('').attr({ type: 'hidden', name: 'Chapter成员hipTypeOptions[' + idx + '].IsSelected', value: true }).appendTo('form'); idx++; }); } } else { valid = true; } return valid; } $('a#terms').click(function () { //bind handlers showDialog(); return false; }); function showDialog() { //load content and open dialog $("#termsDlg").dialog("open"); } function membershipLevelOnChange($levelsOption) { var levelsOption = $($levelsOption), levelId = levelsOption.val(), selectedOption = levelsOption.find('option[value=' + levelId + ']'); addOptionFeesToTotalPrice(selectedOption); $('#SelectedMembershipLevelId').val(levelId); } function get成员hipLevelOptions(membershipType) { return membershipType.parents('.mn-row:first').find('[name=成员hipLevelId]'); } function show成员hipLevelsIfExist(membershipType) { $('.options-row').hide(); membershipType.parents('.mn-row:first').find('.options-row').show(); var levelsOptions = get成员hipLevelOptions(membershipType);; } function recalculateTotalPrice() { var membershipTypeOption = $('form input[type=radio][name=MembershipTypeId]:checked'), memTypeId = membershipTypeOption.val(), memTypeTotals = []; totalRecurring = 0; totalOneTime = 0; recurringFreq = ""; //addOptionFeesToTotalPrice(membershipTypeOption); var levelsOptions = get成员hipLevelOptions(membershipTypeOption); if (levelsOptions.length) membershipLevelOnChange(levelsOptions[0]); var chapterOptions = membershipTypeOption.parents('.mn-row:first').find('select[data-mtid]'); if (chapterOptions.length) chaptersOnChange(chapterOptions[0]); } function addOptionFeesToTotalPrice(option) { totalRecurring += parseFloat("recurringfees") || 0); totalOneTime += parseFloat("onetimefees") || 0); if ("recurringfrequency")) recurringFreq = recurringFreq ||"recurringfrequency"); } }); })(MMP.jQuery);